How Current Campaign Finance Laws Are Shaping The 2016 Presidential Race – The Diane Rehm Show

Republican presidential hopeful Chris Christie is among those speaking out against the U.S. campaign finance system: How the Citizens United ruling, limits on individual donations and so-called dark money are shaping campaign strategies the 2016 presidential race.

Source: How Current Campaign Finance Laws Are Shaping The 2016 Presidential Race – The Diane Rehm Show

LWVNY Positions on New York Judicial System

LWVNY Positions on New York Judicial System


Study Materials for “Raise the Age”

Raise the Age Concurrence Materials (responses due Jan. 1, 2016)

Background on Raise the Age Forum

The NYS League is seeking concurrence from local leagues on four principles that would guide LWV efforts to “Raise the Age” in New York.

  1. Children under the age of 18 are not adults and their treatment within the juvenile justice and criminal court system should relate to their stage of development.

  2. Children should not be held in adult jails.

  3. Rehabilitation is the purpose of the juvenile justice system.

  4. The legal rights of children should be protected.

We would like panelists to comment briefly on these principles.   A discussion and consensus meeting will follow the panelists’ remarks.

LWV 100TH Anniversary

100th Anniversary Activities

The NY Cultural Heritage Tourism Network is sponsoring a NY Women’s Suffrage Centennial Conference, 1917-2017, in Seneca Falls on Oct. 1, 2015. The conference is to provide awareness, stimulate interest and nurture partnerships in preparation for the Centennial Celebration of women’s right to vote in NYS. The state League is participating in this conference as we plan our events, educational forums and materials to celebrate both the centennial of the women’s right to vote AND the League’s 100th anniversary. Members who are interested are encouraged to attend the conference. The link is:

Informal Get Together–members, friends, potential members

Informal Get Together for League members, Newly Elected Officials, friends and potential members

Wednesday, November 18th, 5-6:30 pm

at Finger Lakes Tasting Room

31 Main St. Cortland, NY

  • League members, friends and potential members will meet and share interests–political or other.
    Wine, beer and soda are available for purchase.

    Appetizers provided
    Prices for tasting – 4 wines, $5. A bottle of wine can also be shared.